Keloid in a Patient with Albinism Abstract

Abstract of Patient with Albinism

Keloids are limited to humans and although the exact prevalence is unknown, they have been reported in 5%- 16% of Africans. Individuals with darker pigmentation are more susceptible to keloid formation, especially Africans and Asians. According to the literature, Caucasians are least effected and there has been only a few reports of albino patients with keloids. fte author identified a patient with albinism who presented with a keloid to his right ear after trauma at the Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital in Garankuwa, South Africa. fte keloid was resected and sent for pathological evaluation to determine differences in collagen formation. fte specimen was compared with tissue from a similar African patient with a keloid due to trauma on the left ear. Both keloids were noticed six months after the sustained trauma.


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